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‘Green’ Developer to talk on Sustainable, Affordable Building

Carlton Brown, a national leader in sustainable building and affordable green development, will discuss sustainable building and affordable “green” development at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26.

Brown, co-founder and chief executive officer of Full Spectrum of New York, LLC, will speak in the auditorium of UALR’s new, “green” Engineering and Information Technology Building. The talk is free and open to the public.

UALR offers a senior-level, online course on green building standards set by Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED). Jim Carr, associate professor of construction management at UALR, said students in the course pick existing buildings and study how the structure meets LEED and how the project could be more sustainable.

MESA Landscape Architects Inc., the Arkansas Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, the UALR Campus Sustainable Council, and the UALR International Studies Program are co-hosting Brown’s talk.

Full Spectrum is considered a national market leader in the development of mixed-use and mixed-income, green buildings in emerging urban markets. The company, co-founded by Brown and Walter J. Edwards in 1988, constructed the Kalahari Condominium project, its award-winning flagship project in Harlem. The company also consulted on the development of the award-winning Solaire project at Battery Park City.

Based in New York’s Harlem neighborhood, Full Spectrum also has been recognized internationally for developing projects in Ghana, South Africa, and Haiti. The company also operates Full Spectrum South in Jackson, Miss.

Full Spectrum’s green development strategy touts triple bottom line returns while creating sustainable urban communities. As a developer or a construction manager, Full Spectrum has been responsible for the production of more than 1 million square feet of residential, institutional, and commercial real estate and about 2 million more square feet currently in planning or in construction.

“This presentation will surely prove to be an invaluable experience for students across many disciplines, from construction management to business to engineering,” said Joshua Thomsen, who is helping coordinate the event.

For more information, contact Thomsen at 501-683-7028.