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Dorm Students Offer Halloween Fun for Neighbor Kids

UALR students in the residence village are providing spooky Halloween fun this week for children in the neighborhood surrounding the campus. From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28, neighborhood kids can take pictures in their Halloween costumes in front of a spooky backdrop while waiting at a face painting station on the fifth floor of East Hall — the taller brick building in between two apartment buildings — at 36th Street and Fair Park Avenue.

On the fourth floor, kids can run the gauntlet of the Fourth Floor Haunted Hallway — appropriate for children 12 and under — then decorate a Halloween cookie on the third floor. The Spooky Laboratory on the second floor, staffed by “mad scientists” and their bowls of “brains,” “eyeballs,” and other surprises will get trick or treaters in the mood for fortune telling and trick or treating on the first floor.

Admission is free and open to neighborhood children 12 or younger. For more information, contact Rikki Turner at 501-661-1743. Parking is permitted in the loading dock during the event if flashers are turned on.