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Alumni, Friends Connect with Students at Fund Phone-a-thon

Students, the ultimate beneficiaries of The Fund for UALR, made more than 20,000 telephone calls to alumni and friends this fall to thank them for current support to the fund dedicated to increasing student scholarships.

This year’s phone-a-thon — which operated from Sept. 13 to Oct. 21 at the call center in the Institute of Economic Advancement in the College of Business — was the first time since 1990 students made the calls to thank alums for their support and encourage continued support.

“This was an important step in our annual giving efforts because it allows donors to connect with the students they are supporting,” said Daniel McPherson, manager of annual giving in the Office of Development. “Plus, it also gave our student callers a look at why philanthropy is so crucial for a university’s impact on future generations, as well as how we use our donors’ money to improve UALR’s academic environment.”

A team of 10 callers spent three hours each evening making the calls. Individuals who had given in the past were asked for their previous support and encouraged to support the 2010 annual campaign. Alums who had never made a gift were asked to consider supporting the campaign.

The students received nearly 350 pledges, raising more than $16,000 for UALR.

L to R: Orlando Jones, Celeste Thornton, Francis Okaro, Jennifer Guzman, Gail Porchia, Jabari Douglas, Calvin Chester, Nanette Zobkov, Katherine Purcell, Tynesha Ivory, and Lucia Okaro.