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Join the 100 Percenters Club

Six offices and departments at UALR have reached 100 percent participation in the 2010 Campus Campaign, and are in store for a pie or cake as a congratulatory reward, compliments of the Arkansas Federal Credit Union.

“The idea is it is ‘easy as pie’ and ‘a piece of cake’ for an office or department to post 100 percent participation in the UALR’s Campaign effort,” said Tonya Oaks Smith, director of communications for the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law and the 2010 Campus Campaign chair.

The Department of Construction Management in the Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology (EIT) was the first to reach 100 percent, and they celebrated with chocolate cake.

Since then, five others reached the 100 percent goal:

  • Budget Office
  • Campus Life
  • Development Office
  • Sequoyah Research Center
  • Academic Success Center

The deadline for 2010 gifts is midnight, Dec. 31. No gift is too small, and every gift giver can direct their gift to a specific program, scholarship, or operation. Visit the Campus Campaign website and track the progress of the campaign on the Trojan Meter. Last year, 47 percent of the campus community contributed to the campaign. So far, 31 percent are participating.