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Friday Law Firm Donation First to Benefit Courtroom

The study of law is not what it used to be. Students now need access to the most up-to-date technology – like lecture capture and projection screens – in order to gain the legal knowledge, skills, and ethical values required to excel in a competitive job environment.

A recent donation from the Little Rock-based law firm of Friday, Eldredge, & Clark LLP will help students at the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law compete on a level playing field.

The Friday Firm recently donated $200,000 to upgrade the technology in the law school’s Friday
Courtroom. The gift helped provide television screens throughout the 225-seat venue,
including in the new jury box and expanded judges’ bench. In addition, the courtroom received
audio system, a collection of five large LCD monitors, a videoconferencing system, and new

“Friday, Eldredge & Clark has always been a strong supporter for the UALR William H. Bowen
School of Law,” said Dean John M.A. DiPippa. “This donation will help our students engage in
more courtroom skills training, preparing them to enter into practice ready to argue before courts
all the way up to the appellate level.”

The Friday Courtroom was named in March 1992 to honor Herschel F. Friday, founding
partner of Friday, Eldredge, & Clark LLP. The courtroom itself was made possible by a grant
from the Union Pacific Foundation.

The new set-up incorporates technology into teaching and administrative functions help to
support the law school’s educational and research goals.

Bowen’s mission is to provide a high quality legal education that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical concepts to not only function as competent attorneys, public officials, business persons, and other professionals, but also to think critically about the efficacy of the law and legal institutions and to work for their improvement.

Friday, Eldredge & Clark LLP is Arkansas’ largest law firm and a strong supporter of the
William H. Bowen School of Law. The Friday firm is managed by partner Byron M. Eiseman,