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Jazz, Juleps to Benefit Eaton Scholarship Fund

UALR’s Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology will mark the springtime tradition of the Kentucky Derby at the second annual “Jazz and Juleps” reception from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 24, at the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion, 1800 Center St.

JazzJulepsLogoThe event in May – which is Better Hearing and Speech Month – will feature hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, a live auction with Craig O’Neill, and musical entertainment provided by Bishop, Davies, Jackson, and Winter. Loris Fullerton is the event chair.

Tickets are $50 and benefit the the Beth Butler Eaton Student Scholarship Fund for the Audiology and Speech Pathology Department. For reservations and more information, contact Angela Elizandro at 501-683-7501 or

“Beth Eaton has been a guiding force in providing services for families of children with language development delays,” said Dr. Angela Brenton, dean of the UALR College of Professional Studies.

“She was instrumental in establishing a preschool for children, and for forming a partnership with the Scottish Rite Masons to provide scholarships for children in the program.”

Over the years, hundreds of children have been helped in the program, and hundreds of graduate students have had the opportunity to learn the latest techniques of working with language development in children.

“Over the years, Beth Eaton has shaped the department through her dedication to educating students, her curiosity in seeking to understand communication disorders, and her loyalty to the department and to her profession,” said Dr. Thomas Guyette, chair of the Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology. “Beth is someone all our students seek to emulate.”