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District Offers Workshop to Keep Seniors Safe

Dr. David Montague, associate professor of criminology at UALR and director of its Senior Justice Center, will present a workshop to seniors and their families and caretakers who live in the University District from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22, at the Bailey Alumni Center at 28th Street and Campus Drive West.

The interactive workshop will provide tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of a crime and what to do if you become one.

Montague and the Senior Justice Center target crime against the elderly via teaching, research, and service. The center reached over 1,200 people last year alone and is the only center mentoring undergraduate students while empowering senior citizens in the United States.

Montague also serves as the coordinator for the Master of Science program in criminal justice.

The event is sponsored by the University District Partnership and the UALR Criminal Justice Department Senior Justice Center. Refreshments will be served. Parking is available in Lot 13 across 28th Street from the Bailey Center.

“The workshop is intended for seniors and their families and caretakers who reside in the University District,” said Ron Copeland, director of the University District. “The workshop is open to all with an interest in senior justice and public safety.”

The workshop is one of the activities proposed by the AARP University District Project Team which has focused attention on improving the “walkability” of the neighborhood, connecting seniors who are isolated from their neighbors, and public safety.

For more information, contact the district office at 501-683-7358.