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Class is in Session

It’s an aphorism we all know by heart here in higher ed: Learning never stops. Being on a college campus opens doors to so much more knowledge than you can ever imagine, and if you’ve tried out our class search, you know that UALR offers courses on everything from accounting to zoology. The search is a pretty handy tool – just look at the classes we found that we’d love to take:

My pick: History of Rock

No offense to Jack Black, but I think David Richeson’s class is music to my ears.

Music History and Literature (MUHL) 3351 Section 01 (CRN: 62835) A study of the evolution of rock music from its pre-rock origins to the present. Three credit hours.

Donna’s pick: Medicine, Miracles, and Magic: Early History of Healing in Medieval and Renaissance Europe

Sounds like the doctors put the sorcerers out of business.

HIST 5312 A holistic examination of various ways in which Europeans sought to cure disease in pre-modern time. Magic, folk cures, and miracles, as well as the work of physicians, apothecaries, and barber surgeons. The emergence of medicine as a profession and a science. How university-trained physicians came to dominate the healing professions.

Meaghan’s pick: Guiding Young Children

Since I’m soon to be the mom of two rowdy boys, I could use some insight into teaching self-discipline.

Subject Early Childhood Education (ECED) 3300 Section 01 (CRN: 60166) Prerequisites: Admission to early childhood education program and concurrent enrollment in ECED 2300 and 2400. Students will learn theoretical bases and developmentally appropriate practices in guiding young children toward socialization and self-discipline. They will also learn how to design and maintain effective learning environments in a multicultural setting. Students will apply guidance strategies in field placement and design a developmentally appropriate guidance and classroom management plan. Three credit hours.

Judy’s picks: Intro Metalsmithing/Jewelry and Fiction Writing 1

I’d take fun-for-me-classes: jewelry making and creative writing. These are two great teachers. I took Dr. Jauss’ first fiction writing class years ago and learned so much.

Intro Metalsmithing/Jewelry
SubjectApplied Design (ARAD) 3320 Section 01 (CRN: 60966) This course is an introduction to principle techniques involved in jewelry making and metalsmithing. Basic fabrication, forging, forming, connections (hot and cold), surface treatments, and finishing methods will be covered. An emphasis will be placed on the students’ mastery of problem solving, layout and design, and attention to effectively speak about their work and evaluate the work of others. Three credit hours.

Fiction Writing 1
English (ENGL) 3318 Section 01 (CRN: 60985) Prerequisite: ENGL 2336 or consent of instructor. Study and practice in the writing of fiction. Class discussion/workshop and individual conferences. Three credit hours.

Angela’s pick:
I would take anything taught by Jeff Walker  over in Criminal Justice.  I always learn something fascinating every time I sit in on one of his interviews.

Susan’s pick: Criminal Evidence
I’d take “Criminal Evidence” because Donna and I both share an odd fascination with crime documentaries and dramas.

Criminal Justice (CRJU) 3301 Section 990 (CRN: 62472) Prerequisite: CRJU 2300. An analysis of the legal problems associated with the investigation of crime; the acquisition, preservation, presentation of evidence; principles of proof in criminal proceedings.