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Bobbitt to Discuss Higher Education Landscape Friday

Dr. Don Bobbitt, president of the University of Arkansas System, will speak at 1 p.m. Friday, Set. 28, in the EIT auditorium on coming changes in higher education.

Bobbitt’s talk is titled, “A Topographic Look at the Higher Education Landscape: Distance Learning as a Navigation Strategy.” He will answer questions from the audience.

At a distance learning symposium at UALR in May, Bobbitt said in a keynote speech that universities as institutions, first established in the 11th century, won’t disappear anytime soon. He did say that the explosion of online universities offering enormous convenience for students juggling busy lives will require brick and mortar schools to adapt and compete for those students.

“I am convinced that we can do a better job. We must do a better job, and it is absolutely critical that we take on that task.” he said.

“The most optimistic view that I can have about the traditional university is that if nothing changes, our current funding model, our current delivery model, and our current business model are completely unsustainable. Other than that, everything is fine.”

For more information about Bobbitt’s talk on Friday, call 501-569-8188.