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Giving Thanks

We have so much to be grateful for at UALR. Today, we’d like to give our thanks to the people who have made a difference.

Judy Williams, director of Communications
My thanks this year go to all the passionate people at UALR who give us stories to share – professors like Sarah Beth Estes and the Green Dot project; students like Amber Standridge and the annual Food Drive success, and staff like Harvell Howard and the African American Male Initiative.

Mia Phillips, Chancellor’s Office
I’m grateful to work with such thoughtful and gifted people to strengthen and enhance a university that I have grown to love. Working at UALR for the past two years has provided me with opportunities to learn and grow, but more importantly, to serve. I look forward to going to work every day because of the collegial environment and knowing that the work we do, regardless of what department or discipline, is critical to the success of our students and the university. I’m fortunate because not all people have that privilege.

Nicholas Steele, Chancellor’s Leadership Corps director
​I am thankful for the support provided by Dr. Donaldson, Dr. Hampton, and Dean McGee for the Chancellor’s Leadership Corps (CLC) Scholars and most importantly the student leaders who go above and beyond to truly make this an outstanding program.

Karen Nelson, Office of Transfer Student Services
​I am thankful for the opportunity to work in the Office of Transfer Student Services with a wonderful group of people. Working for Malissa Mathis is wonderful because of her kindness and understanding. I am thankful for being able to be a part of the office for the past three years this coming December.

Michelle Brand Buchanan, UALRTeach director
​I am grateful for the UALRTeach program – not only because it provides a paycheck to support my shoe hobby, but the also the great people this opportunity has brought into my life.

Ta’Nice Blackman, Office of Recruitment
I am most grateful for the many opportunities: I get the opportunity to meet new people of all races and ethnicities. I get the opportunity to host events that enhance the student life on campus. I get the opportunity to develop friendships and relationships that last a lifetime. The atmosphere here at UALR is one that is welcoming and caring. You get a sense of a “home” away from home. I’m thankful to be put in a position where I am able to make an impression on a prospect or a student or co-worker and that means a lot to me.

Susan Pusser, Office of Communications
I’m thankful for such a great group of people to work with. We laug together. We cry together. Really, I am thankful to be able to come to work everyday with such a great team I’m also thankful for my family. We love each other unconditionally, and we really are best friends.