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Do the Harlem Shake

If you haven’t seen, or at least heard of, the Harlem Shake videos that have taken over YouTube, then you might be living under a rock. These 30-second videos of people dancing, or just running around erratically, are popping up everywhere. They feature the song “Harlem Shake” by Baauer, and as of February 13, there were more than 12,000 videos posted to YouTube.

A group on campus filmed their own Harlem Shake yesterday and I think they did a pretty good job.

ualr harlem shake

ualr harlem shake

It seems like everyone wants to be a part this trend and make the crazy videos. Some might say that this meme has run its course and if you’re filming one now, then you’re already behind the times. harlem shake ualr

But to me, these short videos are just about having fun! It’s not necessarily about getting the most views or having the wildest video. It’s just fun, plain and simple. And what I loved about yesterday was that so many different students were involved. I think that’s what UALR is all about. Getting our student body together and having fun. That’s exactly what happened yesterday. Take a look. Were you there?

There are four more videos you have to watch that showcase other places on campus.

You can see more photos on The Forum’s Facebook page.