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Fare thee well, our three leaders

Saying goodbye is never easy. Today, our campus bid farewell to three of its leaders in a touching tribute that combined grace, gratitude, and a touch of humor, courtesy of Chancellor Joel Anderson (who has a promising future as a comedian should he ever want to give up his day job, though we vehemently ask that he doesn’t).

Dr. Charles Donaldson, Dr. Jeannie Winston, Bill Walker.
Dr. Charles Donaldson, Dr. Jeannie Winston, Bill Walker.

Retiring vice chancellors Dr. Jeannie Winston, Bill Walker, and Dr. Charles Donaldson have been fixtures on this campus for many years, helping to usher in several of the university’s biggest initiatives.

  • Like building projects such as the residence halls, Trojan Grill, and the Student Services Center.
  • The first wireless network at an Arkansas university.
  • Community and government relations that put UALR front and center not just for local leaders, but state and federal ones, too.

That’s quite a legacy.

Donaldson had this to say about his more than 40 years here:

“To those who supported me, thank you. To those who didn’t support me, I thank you as well. You helped teach me about strength and perseverance.”

It was a bittersweet moment to share. Unprecedented, as the chancellor told us. Some tears might have been held back.

We wish our three outgoing administrators all the best. We are that much better for their presence.