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Award established in honor of McAlpine

Dr. Dave McAlpine, UALR professor of Spanish and Second Language Education

The Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association recently announced the establishment of an award named for Dr. Dave McAlpine, professor of Spanish and Second Language Education at UALR.

The honor was given in recognition of McAlpine’s 22 years of training foreign language teachers.

Outstanding undergraduate and graduate students studying foreign language teacher education in Arkansas are eligible to apply each year for the new award.

Dave McApline

The announcement was made at the AFLTA’s annual convention in Hot Springs where McAlpine presented the keynote address and workshop titled, “What’s the Essential Question?”

McAlpine was also honored by the DeSoto Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese with the gift of a llama donated in his name to Heifer International.

He is the immediate past president of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, the nation’s largest and most comprehensive organization for foreign language educators.