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Coleman Creek enhancements move to next phase

Improvements in the next phase of the Coleman Creek Greenway Trail are under way and will continue through mid-September, according to John McMains, program coordinator for Facilities Management at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Coleman Creek web smThe campus work affects areas of the trail between the 28th Street bridge and West 20th Street. Officials say the work should not cause any major disturbance to campus, with the exception of the northeast corner of 28th Street bridge and the east side of the bridge, crossing from Lot 14 to Lot 15.

The improvements are part of a long-term vision for UALR that includes the restoration and enhancement of Coleman Creek as the campus centerpiece, but also emblematic of the university’s commitment to the recreational enhancement of the surrounding community and region beyond campus.

For more information, contact McMains at 501.371.7605 or