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NSF grant to support cyber security research

The National Science Foundation has awarded a three-year grant of more than $289,000 to faculty of UALR’s Department of Computer Science that could improve cyber security for people using mobile technology and social networking sites.

Dr. Mengjun Xie

Dr. Mengjun Xie, assistant professor of computer science, was joined by Dr. Kenji Yoshigoe, computer science department chair and associate professor, in submitting the grant.

The project, “REU Site: CyberSAFE@UALR: Cyber Security and Forensics Research at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock,” will enhance undergraduate research in cyber security protection for the public.

As a designated REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Site, UALR offers its students research opportunities on a specific project for which they are paired to work closely with computer science faculty.

The CyberSAFE project seeks to integrate fundamental security and forensics research with the latest technology advances in mobile computing, cloud computing, and social networks, according to Dr. Xie.

“The grant will advance our understanding of cyber attacks by allowing us to explore novel and practical techniques and methods of collecting and analyzing digital evidence,” he said.

Xie said researchers will also investigate more secure and user-friendly approaches to protect people while using their smartphones, visiting social networks, and accessing their apps and data in computing clouds.