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How I Work: Graphic artist

Last year, we started a series showcasing how some people work at UALR. This week, we get an inside look into the workspace of Benny Scroggin, student development specialist, aka graphic artist, in the Office of Campus Life.

Where do you work? Office of Campus Life – Donaghey Student Center (near the Forum Newspaper)

Benny Scroggin

Describe the view from your desk.  I have a lovely view into the DSC Leadership Lounge – but I can see outside through the LL windows – not a bad view.

What do you listen to at work?  I listen to a lot of lounge music – it’s really good white noise/work music. I also try and listen to Eckhart Tolle when I can for perspective. If it’s Friday, I have a habit of listening to nostalgic 80’s music.
What is your favorite to-do list manager?  I’ve tried a dozen different things, but always go back to Google Calendar, and good ol’ Post-It Notes. My desk is covered with them most days.

What is your work schedule?  M-F, 8-5 unless there is something going on after hours that our office is programming.Benny Scroggin
Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without? I’ve had a NEST thermostat for a couple of years now and it’s a great invention. I also love our AppleTV – We have been cable/satellite free for years and only use the AppleTV and whatever channels we get for free over the air.

PC or Mac? I beef up an iMac every 5 years or so here at the office….seems to always work like a champ no matter how hard I work it.

Favorite workday snack? Definitely trail-mix. 
What is your favorite piece of art and why? Tough question – I traveled with an architectural photographer for years when I was in my twenties (Timothy Hursley), so I’m drawn to architecture / photography. I find architecture to be the most powerful form of art (when done correctly) for its sense of inherent responsibility. A painting or sculpture can be brilliant, but they don’t necessarily hold any accountability. Buildings have to be safe, and oftentimes beautiful places we all get to enjoy.
How I work

The most sublime place I’ve ever visited is the Salk Institute by Louis Kahn in LaJolla, CA. (pictured above)

Benny can often be found with his camera around his neck taking photos of campus events. To see Benny’s photos, visit the UALR Campus Life Facebook page.