LULAC scholarship helps student live dream - University News Archive - UA Little Rock Skip to main content

LULAC scholarship helps student live dream

Yolanda Guadalupe Anzora was born in El Salvador, but has found herself reaching her dream of obtaining a higher education in America.

Yolanda Guadalupe AnzoraAnzora, 46, a nontraditional student and Spanish major at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock is the first in her family to seek a bachelor’s degree.

As a recipient of a League of United Latin American Citizens scholarship, she says that although most of the other recipients are younger, she is determined to not let her age deter her from finishing her education.

“Education opens many doors and many opportunities become available,” Anzora said. “Indeed, college has been one of my greatest life experiences.”

LULAC offers scholarships for Latino students at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels through its National Educational Service Centers. It is the largest advocacy group in the U.S.

Anzora is considering pursuing a master’s degree when she graduates with honors this May, and she said her goal is to also encourage others to seek education as a way to improve their lives.

“Thanks to the LULAC scholarship, I am able to follow my dreams of bettering myself through education,” she said.

UALR has a record number 19 Latino and Hispanic students in the scholarship program this year, according to Dr. Terry Trevino-Richard, LULAC state director, and more than $500,000 has been given to more than 400 Arkansas students since the LULAC scholarship was established in 1975.

Students are encouraged to apply before the March 31 deadline for LULAC scholarships.

Applicants are eligible for three types of scholarship awards based on test scores and grade point average: national scholastic achievement awards, honors awards, and general awards.

For additional information, contact Michel Liederman at 501.374.0853 or Trevino-Richard at 501.569.3177.