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Blood drive set for April 18

UALR faculty, staff, and students are invited to help out the American Red Cross by participating in the final blood drive of the spring semester. Reservations are encouraged using the sponsor code UALR at

The blood drive will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, April 18, in the University Commons Building in the center of the four residence halls near Fair Park Boulevard. Walk-ins are welcome, but those wanting to reserve a time can do so at the Red Cross website.

“Over the years, our university has hosted more than 50 blood drives, bringing in thousands of units of blood to help our community,” said Jennifer Godwin, blood drive coordinator for UALR.

“The Staff Senate hopes to see a terrific turnout from our campus – the blood we all donate will go to fill a direct and urgent need at our area hospitals.”

The process takes about an hour, including the registration, mini-physical, the donation (which lasts about 10 minutes), and resting period (which includes refreshments). Certain criteria must be met in order to give blood. A full list of eligibility requirements can be found at the RedCross site.

The need for blood in central Arkansas is at an all-time high, according to the local division of the American Red Cross.

One person’s blood donation may help up to three people. Donated red blood cells have a shelf-life of up to 42 days, and a healthy donor may donate every 56 days.