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Trojan Trolley to expand route

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock recently announced innovative changes to the Trojan Trolley system that will greatly benefit students taking classes at the Benton campus and online.

“Going mobile makes sense in this day and age,” said Aaron Baker, director of performance analytics for UALR.

“This has been two years in the making and we are excited to offer this service for two of our growing student populations. Students enrolled in classes at the Benton campus and those taking online classes will now get to benefit from the Trojan Trolley.”

Ualr trojan trolley

The new route to UALR Benton will take approximately 90 minutes one-way and will depart the main campus starting at 8 a.m. daily.

“Dolly can only drive about 40 mph, so while the trip may take longer than some would like, we think this new route will greatly benefit our students. They will be able to use that time to study or rest,” Baker said.

trolley3aThe trolleys will also provide transportation to students enrolled in online courses at UALR.

“I think it’s great,” online student Derrick Koon said. “Now I’ll be able to study and go to classes while I’m on the trolley.”

“Both Dolly and Wally will now be equipped with wifi. This will allow our online students to get to campus more effectively and also provide telecommuting options for our faculty and staff,” Baker said.
