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A mixer that could change your life

This week, Information Science student Debanjan Mahata tells us about a new UALR club that could change your life.

Are you a student who wants to steer away from a monotonous job? Do you have an idea that you believe will revolutionize the ways of the world? Do you want to define your career with independence and leadership?

Then the UALR Entrepreneurship Club Mixer on April 16 will give you all the answers you need.

It will change your life.

The club is the brainchild of passionate students and professors from every where in the university. With a motive to ‘Inspire, Innovate and Incubate,’ this organization is bound to take UALR and the rest of Arkansas by storm.

Student Entrepreneurship Club

I want people to know that there are a number of good things that UALR is known for, and soon, more people will associate it with freedom of thought in the business world.

UALR is a confluence of students from all walks of life with ideas. With this mixer, we hope to give them the little push that they need to transform the business world. Our state is filled with opportunities just waiting to be explored. All that you need is the right direction, which is what we are hoping to provide.

The founding members are definitely an unusual bunch. I’m the club’s president and Josiah Brann is a computer science student and the vice president. Roger Doyne is the secretary and a technical writing student, and Benjamin Berley is in the management program and is our treasurer. Our diversity is all the more reason why this mixer is one you wouldn’t want to miss.

entrepreneur club

Advisors from the College of Engineering, the College of Business and the Chancellor are also scheduled to appear.

All questions you have about becoming and being an entrepreneur will be answered here. Everything that you need to get started will be provided. The Club will also be encouraging new members to join.

There are exciting things planned and members will get exclusive access to them in the future.

Events happen every day in the school. Some of them you want to attend. Some of them you might decide to skip.

But the UALR Entrepreneurship Club Mixer – an event for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs to increase awareness about entrepreneurship? Sounds like an event you would regret missing.

The Entrepreneurship Club Mixer will be from 5 to 6 p.m. in Ledbetter Hall B and C of the Donaghey Student Center on April 16. Refreshments will be provided. Send an email to if you have any questions.