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Top 5 reasons to come out for Canines on Campus

Really, we don’t have to sell you on this event other than to screech the word DOGS. Cuddly, sweet, tail- and tongue-wagging, smart, helpful, wonderful DOGS. But we’ll still give you the Top 5 reasons to come to Ross Hall (the Arkla Room – 119) on Tuesday, April 22, at 12:30 p.m. 

  1. You will learn about an amazing program in Arkansas that improves the lives of animals and humans alike. (… and free food)
  2. JasperJasper will be there. (Food of the free variety will be there, too.)
  3. You will get to see many of the skills that the Paws in Prison service animals are trained to perform and how they can significantly improve the quality of life for members of the community with special needs. (You may also learn how it feels to partake in delicious snack foods with absolutely no financial obligation …)
  4. Mugsy the dogMugsy will be there! Look at that face…do you really want to disappoint him. (Yes, if you don’t come, Mugsy will be very disappointed … but at least he won’t be hungry …)
  5. A few of our other Paws in Prison service animals* will also make appearances. You will also learn how you can support this program, or maybe even how you can sponsor or adopt one of Paws in Prison’s AKC Good Citizenship Certified dogs!**

Did we mention the free food? No? There’s going to be free food.

*All dogs at this event will be Paws in Prison service animals. They are trained to assist members of the community with various special needs. For individuals who may require this type of assistance, this event will be a valuable opportunity to see the wide range of skills these animals can perform or to gain more information on the process of adopting a service animal.

**For members of the community who do not have these types of needs, this event will serve more to raise awareness about the program and how  to get involved. Paws in Prison also trains non-service dogs in obedience and general pet etiquette for adoption by the general public. However, non-service dogs will not be at this event.

Hosted by the Criminal Justice Department in collaboration with the CJ Society and the SGA. For questions about this event or the Paws in Prison program, please contact Jacob Laan.