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Extended hours, snack breaks part of finals week

The UALR Ottenheimer Library, Information Technology Services Computer Lab, Donaghey Student Center, Student Government Association, and other on-campus groups have partnered to sponsor late-night study breaks during final exams week through Thursday, Dec. 11.

library studying _600Students seeking space to complete assignments, work in groups or isolate themselves in the solitude of the library for serious study time will find the 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. extended hours especially beneficial.

The IT Services lab and DSC will also be open until 2 a.m. during finals week.

Each night, a campus student organization will sponsor Library Study Snack Breaks at 11 p.m. with food and beverages available on the first floor of the library.

The Trojan Trolley will also operate a late-night schedule, Dec. 8-11, that will include stops at South Oaks Apartments, University Village, the Residence Halls plus an extra stop in parking lot 9, near the library, after 10 p.m.

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