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Student philanthropists raise $1,700 for memorial scholarship

The UALR Student Philanthropy Council has raised $1,700 to donate toward the Catherine and Ryan Palludan Memorial Scholarship.

“This year the Catherine and Ryan Palludan Memorial Scholarship touched the hearts of all the students on the council, and it became an obvious choice to support such a wonderful scholarship,” said Student Philanthropy Council Co-President Chelsey Partain.


This is the third semester the philanthropists helped raise money to support a worthwhile student cause. Each semester, members of the council check out 10 green piggy banks to students, friends, classmates, professors, and administrators, in an effort to collect donations.

They then vote on a student cause to financially support, primarily through donations to the green piggy banks. The banks are collected at the end of each semester, and the process begins again at the start of each semester.

The 25 member council raised thousands in coins alone through donations to the green piggy banks. And, for the first time ever, an entire UALR sports team checked out a bank to support UALR’s Student Philanthropy mission to create a culture and tradition of giving back to students for students.

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