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SSS Programs Seek Applications for Student Assistance

UALR students seeking academic assistance in getting into the swing of college life are encouraged to check out the Student Support Services office in Room 101 in the Speech Building.

Tutoring in a number of courses, help with developing study skills, writing and comprehension help, academic, career, and personal counseling; financial and economic literacy workshops, academic and business etiquette workshops, cultural and educational outings, and help with applying for grants and scholarships are some of the services the center offers.

The services are provided for:

  • Students who are the first in their family to go to college (neither parent has a college degree)
  • Students from low-income families based on federal taxable income guidelines.
  • Students with a disability
  • Students with academic needs.

“SSS is an academic support program,” said Valerie W. Brown, SSS director of the CARE-Academic Success Center. “Our goal is to provide supportive services that will help students stay in school and graduate.”

Visit the SSS website at or call 501.569.3280.