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DiPippa Joins Law Scholars Reaffirming Constitutionality of Health Care Law

John DiPippa, dean of UALR’s William H. Bowen School of Law and distinguished professor, joined 100 national legal scholars Thursday in signing a statement reaffirming the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, the nation’s health care reform law.

The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy distributed the statement signed by the scholars, most of whom are part of the ACS network, calling attention to the “dangers of throwing out nearly two centuries of settled law.”

“There are myriad reasons for a person to like or dislike this law,” DiPippa said. “However, as constitutional scholars we believe that Congress does have the power to pass it.”

Earlier this week, the House of Representatives voted largely along party lines to repeal the health care reform approved by the previous Congress last year.

The statement and the names of the scholars who signed were distributed by the society.