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Art Students Celebrate Tradition

Art students in the UALR Applied Design program participated in an age-old tradition Sunday evening – they gathered around the television for an Academy Awards watch party. As they watched the stars receive Oscars for their craft, they anxiously awaited this commercial that showcased their craft.

Arkansas has a rich cultural heritage in the arts, particularly in the areas of functional art. And these talented art students are helping keep that rich heritage alive.

They are learning furniture design and woodworking.


They are exploring papermaking, weaving, and functional ceramics.


And, they are casting and forging metal and making jewelry.


Carrie Crocker (seen above) will graduate in the fall of 2011. In her artist’s statement she says that when she younger she spent a lot of reading about becoming an archaeologist and wanting to travel and see the world.

“As I studied and became fascinated by the objects unearthed by the hands of others, I became fascinated with the objects, the stories, how they became. It is this fascination that led me to the three-dimensional arts. Influenced by psychology, interpersonal relationships, anthropology, language, and art I draw on these interests to describe and communicate differing ideas. “

Carrie says her art has flourished in the Applied Design Program. She is currently influenced by circus imagery and culture due to the similarities to her upbringing and is exploring the ideas of safety, vulnerability, dependency, and family through utilitarian as well as sculptural metal objects. Her goal is to utilize non-ferrous materials, photo transfer, fabrication, etching, and enameling, to develop individual pieces to be worn or to be viewed as sculptural artwork that convey my ideas explored.

After graduation Carrie plans to show her work in local galleries and apply to graduate school and artist in residencies programs.

View Carrie’s online portfolio or purchase her art at

Photos by David Clemons and Carrie Crocker.