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Children Int’l to Offer Thanksgiving Turkeys

UALR Children International will distribute 1,900 frozen turkeys to its sponsored children and their families from 7 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 19, in the Jack Stephens Center parking lot at University and 28th Streets.

turkey meal on tableEach sponsored child will receive an invitation to attend the turkey giveaway, and the turkeys will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

“With the current economy, most of our sponsored children’s families are struggling to make ends meet. We thought giving turkeys to our families was a way to lessen their financial burden and hopefully allow them to have an enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner,” said Kyle Miller, director of UALR Children International.

Miller said 80 percent of sponsored children’s families are below the poverty line, and 40 percent receive food stamps, making it difficult for families to pull together a holiday meal during this time of year.

“Thanksgiving falls at the end of the month. Many people of poverty are paid at the beginning and the middle of the month, so a holiday at the end of the month is sometimes a financial stretch,” he said.

The turkey giveaway is a small gesture from UALR Children International to its sponsored children and their families. Miller said he was excited to hand out turkeys because every little thing can help.

“Anything done to help make people’s lives better benefits our community,” he said. “By just giving someone something as simple as a turkey, it confirms to people that there is still good in the world, and that somebody cares about them.”

For more information about the UALR Children International turkey giveaway, contact Ashten Adamson, UALR Children International communications coordinator, at 501-663-5541.

UALR Children International sponsors 3,000 children from kindergarten through 12th grade, with the help of more than 10,000 individual sponsors.

Through the affordable monthly giving program, sponsored children and youth receive the right help at the right time.

Around the world, Children International is helping 330,000 children in 11 countries by providing meaningful benefits and services to help children grow up confident, healthy, and educated. UALR Children International serves as CI’s only U.S. site.