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Want to Study Abroad? Here’s Your Chance

What’s better than studying Middle Eastern culture? Sarah Dunlap says being immersed in it.

New Blog Posts Encourage Students to Study Abroad

The senior history major with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies traveled abroad to Jordan last summer for intensive Arabic language classes at the University of Jordan.

She documented some of her experiences in a blog post for the UALR Programs Abroad Horizons blog, prompting the department to select her as its first Programs Abroad Student Spotlight.

The Programs Abroad Department offers UALR students opportunities to study in other countries and cultures while fulfilling coursework for their degree plans. For more information about Programs Abroad, contact Aimee Jones at 501-683-7566.

“The eight-week intensive Arabic classes at the University of Jordan began and this is where I really started to interact and engage the Arabic language,” Dunlap said. “Not only was I learning a language, but I was learning the culture of a unique country among many other students from around the world.”

Dunlap will return to Jordan before graduating to attend another session of intensive Arabic courses. She is also applying to several graduate programs in Middle Eastern studies. Dunlap credits her experiences in Jordan with solidifying her future career plans.

“Although I previously had an interest in the Middle East, this trip abroad confirmed my plans for a long-term career goal focused on the Middle East,” said Dunlap.