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Fair Helps Seekers Find Their Way

Second-semester freshman Brittany Connell picked up a few brochures at the College of Business table and talked to someone in the nursing program, but an hour into Wednesday’s Explore the Majors fair, the graduate of Abundant Life High School was still an undeclared student.

“I am the poster child of undecided students,” she said. “I don’t know what I want to major in.”

She was in a good place to find some direction, however.

The Office of Undergraduate Advising organized the event in Ledbetter Hall from noon to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, to help students who hadn’t declared a major yet to make a choice. Students looking to change an existing major or seeking a minor course of study were also invited to pick up information and meet representatives of UALR’s various colleges and programs.

“It’s a good place to look,” said Taylor Russell, who already has declared a major in speech pathology but was looking for options in speech communications.

“The focus of the event is to help undeclared freshmen and other exploratory students determine their passion as they survey many academic areas,” said Kim Tran, assistant director of academic advising.

UALR is taking to heart the strong state and national focus on recruiting, retaining, and graduating more students in Arkansas. Studies show that  declaring a major as early as possible helps a student focus on a degree plan and increases the chances of academic success and meeting the goal of graduation.

For more information or help in finding a major, contact Thea Hoeft, division chief of undergraduate academic advising at 502-569-3386 or