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Archaeology Students to Build House

The Toltec Station Archeologist and UALR Anthropology Students will celebrate Arkansas Archaeology Month by building a Woodland Period Southeastern House at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 11.

The presentation, “Building Community One House at a Time: The Experimental Woodland House Project,” is designed to help further the study of how prehistoric Arkansans once lived and will take place at the Toltec Mounds State Park in Scott, Ark., following the meeting of the Toltec Chapter of the Arkansas Archaeological Society.

The event is part of the AAS Toltec Chapter Spring Series, and is free and open to the public.

Participants can speak with students about their projects exploring prehistoric lifeways in Arkansas following brief discussions by Dr. Elizabeth T. Horton, AAS station archeologist for the Toltec Mounds Research Station, and Dr. Krista Lewis, assistant professor of anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies in the UALR Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

In addition to viewing the house project, participants can see displays of thatching, arrow and ceramic making, a mechanical atlatl throwing device, and studies testing the strength of fibers.

For more information about Experimental Archaeology or the Woodland Period Southeastern House project, contact Krista Lewis.