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UALR Housing Policy to exempt freshmen living near main campus

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has revised its freshmen housing requirements for those living within a 25-mile radius of the UALR.

First-time, full-time freshmen who are residing with a parent or legal guardian within the 25-mile distance from the main campus will be exempt from the requirement to live on campus. The revised policy is effective for the spring 2014 semester.

UALR Chancellor Joel E. Anderson said the new exemption is in response to a number of families in central Arkansas who requested that their sons and daughters be allowed to live at home during their first semester of college for a variety of reasons, including family culture and financial concerns.

“While research tells us that students living on campus are more successful in their academic progress, we do respect the wishes of families who live in a short driving distance of UALR,” said Anderson. “Even so, we still encourage all freshmen to live on campus.”

Anderson said UALR students who live on campus have higher grade point averages and complete more credit hours leading toward improved retention and graduation rates. The university’s academic and social mentoring programs, learning communities, and campus life organizations and activities contribute to student success, he said.

The housing policy requires that all first-time, full-time freshmen live on campus during their first semester with these exemptions:

· Students residing within a 25-mile radius of the UALR main campus, and who are residing with a parent or legal guardian during the school year

· Students 21 years of age or older

· Married students

· Parents or legal guardians living with a dependent

· Veterans of active military duty

· Participants in programs not on the main campus, such as students who attend Benton Center classes and those who take online programs

· Transfer students who have attended college since graduating from high school (except summer).

Students with other mitigating circumstances, such as a medical condition or financial hardship, may apply for an exemption. For more information about freshmen housing, go to