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Staff Awards Ceremony honors employees

UALR staff members were recognized at the 2014 Staff Awards Ceremony, held April 16, in Ledbetter Assembly Hall of the Donaghey Student Center.

The annual event is presented by the UALR Staff Senate and sponsored by Chancellor Joel E. Anderson and the vice chancellors.

2014 Staff Awards

The event recognizes staff members for years of service in five-year increments. This year, staff ranging from five through 35 years of service to the university received certificates.

Staff who either graduated over the past year or are about to retire were also recognized.

The ceremony was also a chance to honor three staff members in the areas of personal development, contributions to the campus, and community involvement.

Those staff included Karen Palmer, who won the Service to UALR award; Angela Parker, who won the Service to Community award; and Carla Griffin, who won the Personal Growth award. They were nominated by the campus community, with an independent body selecting the winners. Each received a $1,000 award and a certificate.

There were also four recipients of the Staff Senate Employee Scholarships, which are each worth $250. The four scholarship recipients included B. Anne Cameron, Kaye Lundgren, Marita McNair, and April Myers.

Following the ceremony, staff mingled at a reception with light hors d’oeuvres in the DSC upper concourse.