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Staff senate blood drive creates friendly competition

The UALR Staff Senate’s next blood drive is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21, in the University Commons, and will include a competition to encourage student participation and increase donations throughout the holiday season.


The blood drive, open to all students, faculty, and staff, will be held in the Housing Commons Great Room.

The theme of the competition is “I Bleed Maroon,” and the student organization with the most donors will have its photo and story featured under the UALR homepage banner. Students participating in the competition should identify their student organization at check-in.

Refreshments will be provided after donating.

Karen Lee, chairperson of the drive, said the senate’s goal is 40 donors representing the diversity of the needs of the patients the Red Cross serves.

“Blood donated at this drive could go to help someone in need in your community or across the country. The Red Cross’ goal is to get the right blood to the right patient at the right time, wherever they may be,” said Lee.

Danielle Ray, external communications manager and Red Cross spokesperson, said approximately every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion. About 44,000 pints of blood are needed in the U.S. each day, she said.

Red Cross Blood Drive“Donations are especially important during the holidays because inclement weather, seasonal travel, and other factors often keep regular donors from giving during the winter months,” she said.

Anyone over 17 weighing at least 100 pounds and in generally good health may be eligible to donate. Potential donors can find out if they are eligible by calling 1.800.733.2767 or by visiting

The senate is also seeking candidates for double red cell donation. The minimum height and weight for this type of donation is 5 feet 5 inches and 175 pounds for females, and 5 feet 1 inch and 151 pounds for males.

Anyone who makes an appointment to donate blood will receive a free cart ride to and from their appointment. Appointments can be made online at using sponsor code UALR or by downloading the Red Cross Blood App.

Lee said the waiting period between receiving a tattoo and donating blood has decreased from one year to 24 hours, and individuals who have recently received piercings are eligible if they are certain a sterile needle was used.

For more information, contact Karen Lee at