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Competition Showcases Undergrad Research

Applications are being accepted for the 2010 UALR Undergraduate Research Expo scheduled for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, April 26, in the Donaghey Student Center’s Ledbetter Hall.

Top projects will be nominated for presentation in Washington, D.C., at the annual “Posters on the Hill” event organized by the Council on Undergraduate Research.

The expo showcases and encourages research and creative endeavors by UALR undergraduates in all disciplines. Applicable research includes senior theses, honors projects, independent study projects, and course projects. The research may be ongoing or recently completed and may be individual or collaborative.

The expo is open to current UALR students and 2009 summer and fall bachelor degree graduates.

Applications and regularly updated information about the expo can be found at the Undergraduate Research Expo website. Abstract submission deadline is Monday, March 29.