Students from across nation perform cyber security research at UALR

This summer, 10 scholars representing competitive colleges from across the nation are in Little Rock performing research that may prove vital to decreasing the tide of cyber attacks and increasing knowledge in the emerging field of cyber security. Continue reading “Students from across nation perform cyber security research at UALR”

NSF provides more than $150,000 for security grant

The National Science Foundation has provided more than $150,000 to help researchers at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock explore effective solutions to security threats on wireless devices. Continue reading “NSF provides more than $150,000 for security grant”

NSF provides cloud computing grant exceeding $100,000

The National Science Foundation has provided the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a prestigious grant exceeding $100,000 to obtain the first cloud computing instrument dedicated to research and education in the state. Continue reading “NSF provides cloud computing grant exceeding $100,000”

NSF funds $150,000 for device developed with UALR expert input

The National Science Foundation is providing $150,000 for a device developed by a Magnolia-based company with input from University of Arkansas at Little Rock experts and facilities. Continue reading “NSF funds $150,000 for device developed with UALR expert input”