Help support women seeking employment by donating clothes

The annual Goodwill Women’s Career Closet Clothing Drive is being held on the UALR campus through Wednesday, April 15.

Eva Hansen, left, of NonProfit org, and Goodwill representative Rebecca Brockman are helping with the drive to collect professional clothes for women.

Goodwill organizers are asking for professional or career clothes, shoes, accessories and purses. Tax receipts will be available.

Collection boxes will be located in Stabler Hall, Reynolds Business Building, West Hall, and in the Office of Campus Life.

The Career Closet provides business attire and support services to women seeking employment through Goodwill’s Career Services Center. An outfit is presented for an interview after their training. If hired, they may choose another outfit from Career Closet to start their career.

Last year, Women’s Career Closet was able to collect 550 pounds of clothes through donations.

Goodwill’s Women’s Career Closet Clothing Drive is sponsored by the Non-Traditional Student Programs, Power of Woman Programs, and the Nonprofit Leadership Student Association.

For more information, contact the Office of Campus Life at 501.569.3308.