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Criminal Justice Month Student Profile: Brittney Dudra

Brittney Dudra
Brittney Dudra

For Criminal Justice Month, UA Little Rock is profiling some of its most impressive students in the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

Meet Brittney Dudra, who will graduate from the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology in May with bachelor’s degrees in Criminal Justice and Psychology.

What criminal justice program are you in, and when are you set to graduate?

I am pursuing a B.A. in Criminal Justice and a B.A. in Psychology and am set to graduate this May! I will also be receiving an Associate of Science in Law Enforcement.

What made you decide to pursue criminal justice?

I have always been fascinated in the criminal justice field, but when my mom started to take criminal justice classes, I fell in love. I practically took the classes with her.

What made you choose UA Little Rock?

My mom graduated with her B.A. in Criminal Justice in 2018 from UA Little Rock. I was also awarded a position in the Donaghey Scholars Honor Program, and I could not say no to that.

What opportunities have you gotten through UA Little Rock that you might not have had otherwise?

I am currently interning and receiving college credit with the Little Rock Police Department’s Victim Services. Last semester and this semester have provided me with multiple chances to connect with professionals in the field. I am also preparing to present a criminal justice-based research project at a national conference in Washington D.C.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

I plan to take the summer off and then join the workforce as a law enforcement officer. I have not decided where I will be applying, but I am excited.

Do you have any advice for prospective criminal justice students?

Connect with the faculty! I missed out on a year’s worth of connection opportunities because of COVID-19. Go to all the events and network yourself so that when it comes time to look for a job or summer internship, you have a place to start.

Who have been your mentors in criminal justice?

My mentors would have to be Dr. Molly Smith and my high school resource officer Jaden Whitfield. Dr. Smith has taught me so much about the criminal justice field from an academic perspective and Officer Whitfield taught me a great deal about law enforcement roles.