Join UA Little Rock for Homecoming on Saturday, Feb. 22!

Little Rock Announces Homecoming Date for Feb. 22

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is excited to announce that its Homecoming celebration will take place on Saturday, Feb. 22. Alumni, students, and friends are invited to save the date for a day filled with Trojan spirit and festivities. Continue reading “Little Rock Announces Homecoming Date for Feb. 22”

Sandra Leiterman works with students in the Cave in the Emerging Analytics Center at UA Little Rock. Photo by Benjamin Krain.

Leiterman Promoted to Cybersecurity Education Research Professor

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has promoted Dr. Sandra Leiterman, manager of the Cyber Arena, to the position of cybersecurity education research professor, recognizing her expertise and leadership in the field. Continue reading “Leiterman Promoted to Cybersecurity Education Research Professor”

Photo of the Communications and Marketing Team by Ben Krain.

UA Little Rock Communications and Marketing Team Wins 8 Best of CASE District IV Awards

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Communications and Marketing team was honored with eight 2024 Best of CASE District IV awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Continue reading “UA Little Rock Communications and Marketing Team Wins 8 Best of CASE District IV Awards”

Dr. Tansel Karabacak

UA Little Rock Names Karabacak as Director of School of Physical Sciences

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has appointed Dr. Tansel Karabacak, a distinguished longtime faculty member, as the new director of the School of Physical Sciences. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Names Karabacak as Director of School of Physical Sciences”

UA Little Rock students in the Donaghey College of STEM demonstrate to prospective students some of the science and technology experiments, research, and games they are working on during a Nerd Night. Photo by Benjamin Krain.

UA Little Rock to Host Nerd Night Oct. 23

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will host Nerd Night Oct. 23 to highlight the exciting opportunities, research, and activities taking place in the Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Continue reading “UA Little Rock to Host Nerd Night Oct. 23”

Chancellor Christina S. Drale reveals the completed Trojan Way Project to the community. Photo by Benjamin Krain.

UA Little Rock Celebrates Completion of Trojan Way Project

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock celebrated the completion of the multi-year Trojan Way Project, a transformation that revitalizes the heart of campus and propels it into the next century. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Celebrates Completion of Trojan Way Project”

Reed Claiborne

UA Little Rock Joins National Effort for Disability Awareness Month with Inclusive Events and Tech Demos

In an effort to foster a more inclusive campus, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock is celebrating Disability Awareness Month this October. The initiative, spearheaded by Reed Claiborne, director of the Disability Resource Center (DRC), is a pivotal step toward raising awareness and offering critical resources to students and employees alike. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Joins National Effort for Disability Awareness Month with Inclusive Events and Tech Demos”