Dr. John Kirk

Kirk’s New Book Chapter Explores Sweet Willie Wine’s 1969 Walk Against Fear

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock history professor has written a new book chapter that explores how Black activism in Arkansas changed between the Elaine Massacre in 1919 and Sweet Willie Wine’s Walk Against Fear in 1969. Continue reading “Kirk’s New Book Chapter Explores Sweet Willie Wine’s 1969 Walk Against Fear”

Dr. John Kirk

Kirk Releases New Biography Covering Winthrop Rockefeller’s New York Life

Dr. John Kirk, George W. Donaghey Distinguished Professor of History at UA Little Rock, has published a new book examining the first 44 years of former Arkansas governor Winthrop Rockefeller’s life.  Continue reading “Kirk Releases New Biography Covering Winthrop Rockefeller’s New York Life”

Kirk Edits Landmark New Book on Civil Rights Movement

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock professor has edited a new book on the civil rights movement that uses primary sources to highlight its important themes, issues, and figures. Continue reading “Kirk Edits Landmark New Book on Civil Rights Movement”