Tenure and Promotion
Non-reappointment reminder for first-year faculty to meet the March 1 deadline (https://ualr.edu/provost/academic-policies/pt/)
Non-reappointment reminder for first-year faculty to meet the March 1 deadline (https://ualr.edu/provost/academic-policies/pt/)
As part of the preparation for the development of next year's budget, please send me the following information: The dollar amount of accreditation expenses…
Deadline for chairs to report faulty instructional load to Provost's Office
Deans Council Meeting, SSC 422, All Council Members 10:00 am-12:00 noon
Administrator evaluations distributed by the Provost Office
Off-Campus Duty Assignment (OCDA) quarterly reports for Spring semester due to the Provost (https://ualr.edu/policy/home/facstaff/off-campus-duty-assignments/)
Deans contact faculty members not returning the next academic year to initiate separation clearance procedures with HR
Faculty Senate Meeting, EIT Auditorium, 1:00-4:00 pm
Deans Council Meeting, SSC 422, All Council Members 10:00 am-12:00 noon
Annual review of faculty evaluations due to the Provost