Night Sky

  • Deep Sky Feature for October
    DEEP-SKY OBJECT OF THE MONTH- OCTOBER While the moon and various planets of our own solar system are, without doubt, fascinating objects for observation…  
  • Getting Started Stargazing
    SUGGESTED STARGAZING BASICS RESOURCES – by Darrell Heath Amateur astronomy can feel like a bewildering hobby to get into and with a subject as…  
  • Planet Nine
    Caltech astronomers Mike Brown, the man who helped demote Pluto from its planethood status, and Konstantin Batygin think they may have discovered a massive…  
  • Observe the Moon Night and Lunar Eclipse Information
      The Central Arkansas Astronomical Society will be partnering with the Innovation Hub in North Little Rock this year in order to celebrate the…  
  • A Planet Like Earth?
    NASA announced today that it might have found another planet similar to Earth.  This is an exciting find but I must add that right…  
  • Naming parts of Pluto
    he team behind NASA’s New Horizons mission has drawn up its proposed list of names for yet-to-be-discovered geological features on Pluto and its moons…  
  • Our Visit to Pluto
    For the month of July, all eyes will be focused on Pluto as the New Horizon spacecraft flies by on our first visit. Pluto…  
  • Jupiter and Venus
    When Worlds Align   With all the rainy weather we’ve had here lately stargazing has not only been difficult but also pretty low on…  
  • Hunting the Fastest Planet
    HUNTING THE FASTEST PLANET by Darrell Heath   Let’s go planet hunting!   But not just any planet, we are going to hunt down the…  
  • A Star “Ring” Role –
    Astronomers have discovered one of the most extraordinary exoplanets yet orbiting around a star very similar in terms of size and mass to our…