Goals and Objectives

Arkansas AIMS: Encouraging Rigor, Rewarding Excellence

The goals of Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science, Inc. are both ambitious and achievable. They are intended to bring to life a viable statewide initiative for increasing the mathematics and science pipeline from middle school through college admission and retention.

The guiding purpose of Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science, Inc. is (1) To improve mathematics and science education in Arkansas, and (2) to increase college retention/graduation rates in STEM disciplines.

The goals are:

  • To increase enrollments, including the traditionally underserved students, in AP mathematics, science, and English courses in all AR AIMS, Inc. schools.
  • To increase the numbers of AP mathematics, science, and English test scores of 3, 4, and 5 in AR AIMS schools.
  • To provide sustained professional development and targeted graduate level teacher preparation for AP mathematics, science, and English teachers in AR AIMS schools.
  • To build a cadre of AP teacher-leader content specialists in mathematics, science and English statewide.
  • To institutionalize the AR AIMS organization at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

To support the goals of AR AIMS, we will strengthen the prevalence of and successful participation in Advanced Placement math, science, and English in high schools in Arkansas. Through both intensive teacher training and student assistance preparation, our performance data clearly demonstrates that the numbers of students enrolled in and receiving qualifying scores in these areas in AR AIMS schools have dramatically increased.
The structure of AR AIMS, Inc. replicates APS, Inc. in Texas an established a not-for-profit entity, identifies the University of Arkansas at Little Rock as the primary supporting partner, and includes the collaboration of the Arkansas Department of Education, and the office of the Governor of the State of Arkansas. AR AIMS, Inc. is led by a president and includes a Program Manager, an administrative assistant, and AP content specialists in Mathematics, Science, and English.