The UA Little Rock Catalog website offers convenient tools to help undergraduate and graduate students quickly locate and track details for degree programs, degree requirements, curriculum, and courses.
Features of the online catalog
- Drop-down menu for selecting the desired publication. Undergraduate and Graduate catalogs can be accessed all in one place.
- Publication Search function where users can type their topic in the search box and click “Enter.” Or select “Advanced Search” to narrow or expand search options by course, program, or academic unit and college.
- Course Search – Search for individual course descriptions and information.
- Program Listings that include clickable course descriptions that expand for browsing or printing (and when clicked again, revert to list format).
- Convenient printing from the “print-friendly page” link on every page and “print course” link on every course.
- My Bookmarks function allows users to add and track favorite information and retrieve saved preferences.
- Archived copies of past catalogs are accessible on the “Archived Catalogs” link on the catalog home page.
- The Icon legend – gives brief descriptions of catalog features that help you navigate the site.
- Share button where students can share information about courses and degree programs via Twitter and Facebook.
- Online Help section with more information on how to get the most out of the catalog site