Faculty Governance Committee

Elected Members of the Faculty Governance Committee, AY 24-25

Representing Terms ending 2027 Terms ending 2026 Terms ending 2025
College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (2 reps; 3 year term) Emily Hood (ART) Bob Hines (PSYC) NA
College of Business, Health, and Human Services  (2 reps; 3 year term) Sung-Kwan Kim Vacant Jenny Bridges (NURS)
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (2 reps; 3 year term) Vacant Vacant Qingfang He (BIOL)

Ningning Wu (INFS)

Ottenheimer Library (1 rep;3year term) Vacant Carol Macheak NA
Bowen Law School (1 rep; 3 year term) Vacant Rob Steinbuch NA
Faculty Senate (1 rep; 3 year term) Vacant Vacant NA

Ex-Officio or Selected Members:

  • Executive Committee (1 rep): Rosalie Cheatham
  • Past President: Ed Anson

Past Membership of the Faculty Governance Committee

Work Flow of the Committee

Flow-chart for Committee Workflow

When an academic unit has approved a governance document change, it should deliver that document to the Provost’s office for logging. Progress can be tracked according to the following table. From Article IV of the UALR Constitution, “The governance document shall be submitted for review first to the dean, then simultaneously to the Vice Chancellor and Provost and to the Faculty Governance Committee, and finally to the Chancellor for approval. The review of governance documents must occur during the regular nine-month academic year. Each review shall be accomplished within 30 calendar days and comments from the reviewers shall accompany the document as it is forwarded throughout the review and approval process. Upon the agreement of the dean, provost, and two representatives of the faculty governance committee, the review time may be extended to ninety days.”

The Provost’s Office maintains a check-list for departmental governance documents.

The Provost’s Office maintains a list of approved governance documents.

The Faculty Governance Committee has developed an implementation process for the Constitutional requirements to improve tracking through the system. 8-25-2014 [PDF].

Departments that do not have an approved governance document are required to operate under the Generic Departmental Governance document, until such a time as they gain approval.

Colleges that do not have an approved governance document are required to operate under the Generic College Governance document, until such a time as they gain approval.