Planning and Finance Committee


Appointed Members of the Planning and Finance Committee, AY 24-25


Terms ending 2026

Terms ending 2025

College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (3 reps; 2 year term)  Ed Anson Rosalie Cheatham

Lisa Sherwin

College of Business, Health, and Human Services (3 reps; 2 year term)  Bob Lyltle Johni Beth Teague
Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (3 reps; 2 year term) Kamran Iqbal

Nikolai Kosmatov

Xiaoshen Wang
Ottenheimer Library (1 rep; 2 year term)  Vacant NA
Bowen School of Law (3 reps; 2 year term) Josh Silverstein Vacant
Students appointed by Student Government Association (2 reps; 1 year term)  Vacant Elmore Horton
Ex officio Members (all with vote)
Position Represented
Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate go here
Executive Director of Budgeting and Financial Analysis   TBD
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Jerry Ganz
Vice Chancellor for University Advancement Christian O’Neal


Past Membership of Planning and Finance Committee