Building a Strong Campus Community by Fighting Hunger
The Trojan Food Pantry is offering pick-up appointments only. All orders and appointments must be scheduled in advance and must be picked up at the scheduled time. If your order is not picked up at the scheduled time, we will hold your order for 3 days before unpacking it and requiring another order to be placed.
NOTE: The Trojan Food Pantry services are only available to current students, faculty and staff of UA Little Rock. If you are not affiliated with the university, please click here to find other resources.
If you are a first-time user, please complete this application before scheduling an appointment or completing your food order.
How to Schedule Your Appointment and Make Your Order
Complete your food order using the form and schedule your order using the order pickup link Trojan Engage: Pantry. Please complete all the requested information.
The food pantry is located on the 2nd floor of the Student Leadership Center (through the doors, down the hall, on the left).
The Trojan Food Pantry would like to thank the following partners:
Midtown Rotary Club
Chancellor’s Leadership Corps
UA Little Rock Health Services
Department of Human Resources
UA Little Rock Student Organizations
UA Little Rock Facilities Management