Register to Vote!

Have you registered to vote yet? If not, don’t wait any longer. The deadline to register to vote in Arkansas is Oct. 5. This date is quickly approaching for anyone who wants to vote in the Nov. Presidential election. If you fill out a quick voter registration form, you can easily drop it off at your County Clerk’s office. You have to fill out your form in the county your official address is in, so on-campus students may have to mail in their ballots and registration.

Not sure if you’re registered? Check that at!

If you are registered to vote but need to update your address, go to your local county clerk’s website and find their Voter Registration Address & Name Change Form. You’ll be able to register quickly through that.

UA Little Rock students should make sure that our voices are heard this November, so make sure you register before Oct. 5 and vote in November!

Posted in: Campus Life, Commentary, Editorials

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