
The Forum is the official student newspaper at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. The Forum is funded in part by the student activity fee. The opinions expressed in The Forum are those of the staff and contributing writers and do not represent the official views of UA Little Rock.

The Forum editor can be reached at The Forum welcomes letters to the editor on any subject. Letters must include the author’s name, classification, major or position, and a contact telephone number for confirmation. Letters are subject to editing to meet space limitations. Please limit letter to 500 words or less. The staff will not alter the meaning of the letter, but will correct spelling and punctuation and edit to conform to Associated Press and news style. All letters are subject to publication. The editor has the right to reject any letter especially those letters that are libelous, obscene or incoherent, as well as comments on our news coverage and editorial position. Letters should be emailed to or sent to: The Forum, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Donaghey Student Center, Suite 116, 2801 S. University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204

Executive Editor
Vasti Hernandez

Executive Editor
Skylar Boone

Executive Editor
Emily Wells

Marketing Manager
Rian Newman

Adison Cummings

Jacobb Nichol

Sathi Gulledge

Madison Stolzer Cavanaugh

Angel Hovis

Alexis McAlister

Stanley Sike

Azita Hakkak

Cassi Pinnon

Faculty Advisor
Daniel Breen