Ramadan at Little Rock’s Madina Institute

By Madison Rodgers

The Madina Institute, a mosque in Little Rock, AR, was founded by Sophia Said in 2016. The Madina Institute is one of the more progressive mosques, in part because it was founded by a woman. Additionally, men and women dine in the same room together during Ramadan and also pray in the same room, which is not common in the Muslim community. Members of the Madina Institute sometimes describe themselves as “modern Muslim” as Faisel, one member of the Madina Institute, explained. Little Rock Congregation Study Researchers and friends had the chance to attend an Iftar dinner at the Madina Institute during Ramadan in May 2019 and see first-hand how they celebrate with their community.

LRCS Researchers Madison Rodgers and Dr. Rebecca Glazier with Suveyda Karakaya at the Madina Institute Ramadan celebration.

Ramadan is a special holiday for those who practice the Muslim faith. It is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement, and increased devotion and worship. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam, as well as to fast during daylight hours. To fast during this time, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, and other various activities from dawn to sunset. Ramadan occurs during the 9th month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar.

On May 23rd, 2019, we joined the Madina Institute to celebrate their Iftar Dinner, which is the meal eaten after sunset during Ramadan. At 8pm, servings of watermelon and dates were passed out to all of the tables. Before enjoying the watermelon and dates, their Imam opened with the pre-prayer. Then, in the tradition of the Prophet Mohammed, everyone breaks their fast with pure water, dates, and fruit, and then heads into the prayer room for an early prayer right at sunset.

Iftar dinner at the Madina Institute.

This prayer lasts for about 3-5 minutes and then everyone returns to the main dining room to enjoy the buffet. The night we joined the Madina Institute for Iftar, the food was catered by Zam Zam, one of the many Indian restaurants in Little Rock. Different restaurants or volunteers provide food each night of Ramadan. After the meal is evening prayer. Many of the members of the Madina Institute are there worshipping as late as midnight. Children were seen worshipping with their families, and running around playing with their friends and begging their parents “Can we please stay five more minutes?”  The evening was filled with family, faith, and food that was enjoyed by all.

The Madina Institute is located at 12123 Kanis Road, Little Rock, Arkansas. For more information about the Madina Institute and attending services, you can call 501-508-5051 or email admin@madinainstitute.us. To stay updated on upcoming events, you can visit www.madinainstitute.us.

Posted in: Highlights

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