Welcome to our new Style Manual: Members of the LRCS team now have a style guide to help with creating content

Our new style manual serves two purposes: one is to introduce team members to the Little Rock Congregations Study (LRCS) project, and two is to set a consistent standard for all documents, including blog and social media posts. This guide is here to help LRCS team members get started, while providing guidelines for consistency in grammar, resources to create content, and general information about the study, which may be utilized as a reference throughout the time that team members are working with the LRCS.

The first half of the style guide handles grammar and punctuation, while the second half discusses how to create posts for blogs and social media. This is helpful for anyone creating content, whether new to the team or an established veteran of the team, and it is a useful tool for those onboarding to gain a sense of the work we do.

View the Style Manual here.

About the Style Guide Authors

This year one of our graduate research assistants, Dominika Hanson, and a fellow graduate student, Matthew McGregor, both of the Rhetoric & Writing Program, created a Style Manual for the LRCS team. Hanson felt a need for a guiding resource in creating content for LRCS; and McGregor, a newspaper reporter for the Transylvania Times, collaborated to write this manual.

Dominika Hanson

Matthew McGregor

Posted in: What It Means

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